As many employers know, California Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) for COVID-19 was set to expire on September 30, 2022. However, on September 29, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill No. 152 (AB 152), extending SPSL through December 31, 2022. AB 152 was an...
Remote-Control: Wage and Hour Pitfalls of Having Offsite Workers
It’s a whole new world for employers now that we are into our third year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Employees have become accustomed to working remotely and do not necessarily want to return to the office, even with the availability of vaccinations and the lift of...
ALERT: COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave is back for employers with 26 or more employees!
Today Governor Newsom signed into law 2022’s COVID-related Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL), spawned by new COVID-19 variants and record case numbers. The law applies retroactively to January 1, 2022 and extends through September 2022. 2022 SPSL: what’s covered?...
Smells Like Quarantine Spirit: Key Changes on Quarantine Guidelines California Employers Should Know
Who Makes the Rules? Cal/OSHA’s Emergency Temporary Standards (the “ETS”) are the regulations governing COVID-19 response and prevention in most California workplaces. Several versions of these emergency standards have been in effect since November 30, 2020. A...
Exempting Employees from Mandatory Vaccinations: What Constitutes a “Sincerely Held” Religious Belief?
As California employers are grappling with whether to require their workforce to get the COVID-19 vaccine, some employees are raising their religious beliefs to opt out of employer-mandated vaccinations. However, it is just not as simple as an employee exclaiming,...
Mandating COVID-19 Vaccinations in the Workplace: What’s the Update?
If there’s one thing that every employer in California should know by now, it’s that California labor and employment laws are constantly changing, and that employers must regularly adjust their policies and practices in order to stay compliant. Enter a global...
SB 93: Employers in Airport, Hotel, Janitorial, Event Space, and Other Industries Have New Lay-Off Rehire Obligations
As vaccination rates increase exponentially, and on promises of the economy reopening come June 15, 2021, California employers are starting to increase their staffing levels by hiring. The legislative response to COVID-19 in California is marked by a patchwork of...
New COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave and Notice
Effective March 29, 2021, California employers with more than 25 employees will have to provide Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL) to employees unable to work or telework for COVID-related reasons, including attending an appointment to receive a COVID-19 vaccine or...
Employers: Know Your Obligations Under Cal/OSHA for COVID-19 Workplace Exposures
Employers: Know Your Obligations Under Cal/OSHA for COVID-19 Workplace Exposures This is a follow up to our December 4, 2020 blog post on Cal/OSHA’s recently enacted temporary emergency regulations governing COVID-19 workplace exposures. You can find that detailed...
New Employment Laws in 2021
Happy New Year! We at Duggan McHugh Law Corporation (DMLC) want to wish you a happy and healthy 2021, and best wishes for a great and profitable year ahead. As 2020 comes to an end, employers will need to be aware of the changing employment laws that will be in effect...